My Story

Early years as an engineer made me attune to the influence of workplace environment, processes, and behaviors on our morale and productivity. In my subsequent graduate studies, I built design strategy skills that enabled me to effectively shape human-centered experiences. In my master’s thesis, I applied these skills to identify opportunities to improve the workplace experience with technology. Now, I’m deepening my knowledge and sharing my learnings through writing and speaking.


Why workplace?

Work plays an essential role in our lives. It can enable us to live a life of purpose and achieve well-being. Yet, our ability to do so depends greatly on our work environment. Throughout my work experience, I saw firsthand how the physical and organizational environment can either deflate or empower us. I observed that colleagues were readily able to voice difficulties and challenges that they faced, but that few were confident about how to address them. With the belief that change was possible, I decided to step in. I gained early experience introducing leading ways of working at my first employer, and have since developed a passion for learning about and implementing improvements to the workplace.


Native Languages

English, French, German


Working Languages

Dutch, Spanish

Favorite activities